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< 2021      2019 >
Personality and Remote Work: Research Results
A snapshot of the headline from Remote Working white paper
Irish Tech News:
Personality testing in 2020 and the next decade: A best practice example from Version1
A woman's face with a brain and network overlayed
HR Zone:
Employee satisfaction: not all engagement measures are created equal
A diverse team excited in an office
HR Magazine:
What makes a high-potential remote worker?
Panls of many different remote work setups
People Management:
HR has a critical role in these remote working times
A network of virtually connected devices in cyberspace
HR Magazine:
We must focus on individual not national productivity.
The Bank of England with cloudy skies in the background
Influence Magazine:
Challenging the most common assumptions of social media
A smartphone taking a photo of plates of food
People Management:
I'll tell you something: Now more than ever HR must translate culture into digital spaces
An illustration of two children playing telephone with circuite boards in background
Insights for Professionals:
4 Ways to Manage Customer Communications via Social Media During the COVID-19 Outbreak
A woman looking at a phone screen
People Management:
Tackling underperformance during lockdown
A laptop next to a messy duvet
Clear Review:
Practical advice on realignment conversations and behaviour change during challenging times
A ragged book with the cover titled Something Needs to Change
HR Magazine:
What six months of remote work has taught us
A man working at a desk with laptop and papers
People Management:
How to decide when to return to the office… and if you ever should
A lone man in a mask in an empty office looking at a phone